Jeremy Rabineau - Commander
If space exploration simply consisted of launching rockets into space, we would know! Instead, this formidable adventure must be approached from many complementary angles, some of which are sometimes left aside. It is this interdisciplinarity that attracts me and that pushed me, after aerospace engineering and planetology, to undertake research in space physiology.
Before being able to conduct experiments on real astronauts, I was lucky enough to be part of the first MDRS crew made up entirely of ISAE-Supaero students in 2016. This first simulation of life on Mars, which was a stepping stone to allow new expeditions every year, definitely convinced me that the right chemistry within a crew
Marie Delaroche - Crew Journalist
True story: in 2017, I crossed the Atlantic from New York to Toulouse for a student internship at CNES, the French space agency. I was moving away from a childhood filled with summer stargazing nights and Sunday mornings spent watching science shows on TV, to the adult world, a researcher’s world. In the car, I asked naively: “How do I become an astronaut?”
Fate willed it that we were driving in front of Supaero at that moment, and my tutor said “Start by trying to get in this school.”
These words have stayed with me ever since, and since then, I have always pushed myself to attain my goal of setting foot in the space sector and to fulfill my dream: contribute to the space exploration effort.
My experience in offshore sailing has taught me that the crew makes the mission. I have no doubts this still holds up for astronauts!
As an aspiring writer and photographer, I will be the Crew Journalist for this mission. I cannot wait to share this experience with you!
Quentin Royer - Crew Engineer
As a naturally curious young man, I’ve always found space exploration fascinating, and I’ve always wanted to contribute to this exciting endeavor. Through my studies, I have learnt much not only about robotics missions but also about manned spaceflight.
To be a crew member of this MDRS mission is a way to be part of a relevant project, which strongly helps the space community. In a few years, I dream of working on designing new systems to explore the Moon, Mars, and the deep universe in order to increase our scientific knowledge of these places.
During the MDRS 275 mission, I will be the Crew engineer. My role will be to make sure that all vital systems are working well, along with being responsible for the good technical processing of all the experiments.
An analog mission is a small step for a Crew, but a giant leap for space exploration: 4 weeks of mission, more than 15 experiments, and several scientific publications afterward, which will all help space science to progress!
Alice Chapiron - Crew scientist
Passionate about science since I was a child, I have known very early on that I wanted to become a researcher. I’m often told that I am a dreamer, that my head is in the clouds, or that I’m on another planet. I love mountains, exploring, and observing… I am also a sailor and an alpinist.
Upon arriving at Supaero, my passion for the space sector kept growing, and participating in space exploration became a goal. I want to contribute to the technological evolution and the advancement of research, and I want to add my contribution to this human monument which is space exploration. I couldn’t be happier to be the “Crew Scientist” of Crew 275 and I can’t wait to contribute to the advancement of science.
Corentin Senaux - Health and Safety Officer
Curious and interested in many fields, it’s through Space and human spaceflights that I found my path, when I understood what it gathered: fascination, exploration, adventure, Humanity, and humility. Space has no frontier with international cooperation, and I want to take part in its challenges. Concerned about the environment, I see in Space a way to come closer to Earth to protect it better. The opportunity offered by ISAE-Supaero through the MDRS mission is the reason for my arrival. Sporty and having practiced football at a high level in my hometown Clermont-Ferrand, I have my heart set on taking care of the crew’s mental and physical health as the Health & Safety Officer.
“Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand.” - Neil Armstrong
Adrien Tison - GreenHab Officer
Like Mankind, I have always had my eyes on the stars and I also have the dream of reaching the Moon (or even Mars). I joined ISAE Supaero to give myself every chance of realizing this dream. Famous students from my school have shown us the way and it is up to me to follow their lead.
I want to participate and bring my conviction, my values, my seriousness, and my skills to space exploration. To contribute to technological evolution and to be part of this formidable Human adventure that breaks all borders.
It is therefore with great pleasure that I am part of this mission in the role of botanist and I am ready to further Science!
“Believe in your dreams and they may come true. Believe in yourself and they will surely come true.” - Martin Luther King
Alexandre Vinas - Crew Astronomer
I see great beauty in space exploration, an esthetic and transcendent journey to which I would like to contribute. Furthermore, I see the possibility of answering many existential questions. Why has life appeared? How? Are we alone in the universe?
This simulation is, for me, an opportunity to take part in this epic adventure, to help improve the knowledge of our universe, and I will be pleased to participate as Crew Astronomer.