Crew members
Cerise Cuny - Commander
After two years of preparatory school in Paris, I chose to join ISAE-Supaero’s ranks to grow my passion for spatial exploration. Among other activities, I joined the Mars Association during my first year of study to participate in the organisation of scientific conferences for children of underprivileged backgrounds in the area of Toulouse. I was also given the amazing opportunity to join the 206th crew for the MDRS mission in 2019 where I was the crew Health & Security Officer and the Biologist. I conducted human factors experiments and a microbiological study of the station’s drinking water. Now graduated from Supaero, I am joining the 263rd crew as the Commanding Officer.
Mathéo Fouchet - Crew Engineer
Attracted since always by space exploration, I chose to direct my school career in order to integrate ISAE Supaero after two years of preparatory classes and to develop my passion for aerospace. All the enthusiasm for the red planet in recent years has pushed me to take part in this ambitious project of colonization of Mars. It is therefore logical that I chose to join the ISAE Supaero Mars Club in order to apply for the Mars life simulation mission in Utah. This mission means a lot to me as it brings me a little closer to my childhood dream: to have the chance to become an astronaut.
During this mission, I will be working as a Crew Engineer. In addition to carrying out experiments that have been entrusted to us by companies and research laboratories, I will be responsible for controlling the vital systems of the station such as the drinking water or the electrical generators as well as all repairs around the experiments and the station.
Léa Rouverand - Crew Biologist/Geologist
Through the permanent presence of astronauts in space thanks to the ISS, I was always mesmerized by crewed space missions. Observing the ISS passing through the sky was thus always a blast in the eyes to me. I have therefore set as an objective to work towards missions and projects that would contribute to the support of astronauts in future crewed missions. I completed an MEng degree in Aeronautics with Spacecraft Engineering where I had the opportunity to study the in-space assembly of future large diameter martian decelerators. Wishing to get more involved in the development of manned missions, I have decided to complete my studies at ISAE-Supaero. The MDRS mission and the opportunity to immerse myself in crewed missions truly represent a kid's dream to me. As the crew biologist/geologist, I am eager to perform experiments in an Mars analog environment to serve as an aid to the development of future missions.
Nicolas Wattelle - Crew Journalist
There is a life on MARS disait un grand homme ! L’image de la planète rouge dans la culture me fascine et me transporte : y trouvera-t-on la vie ? Parviendrons-nous à nous y installer ? Ces questions ont forcément une réponse dans le futur (proche je l’espère !), et le futur se prépare aujourd’hui ! Alors avoir l’opportunité de participer à cette grande aventure est pour moi une vraie chance et une profonde fierté !
Toute ma vie passée autour de la ville rose, capitale européenne du domaine spatial, les ergols coulent dans mes veines depuis la tendre enfance et me font viser les étoiles dans mes projets !
Je porterai à cœur de donner du sens à notre mission, en m’engageant corps et âme, et en partageant au maximum cette mission avec les plus curieux : je mettrai toute ma dévotion dans mon rôle de journaliste !
Marine Prunier - Crew Astronomer
As far back as I can remember, I was always fascinated by the stars and the universe, summer nights spent observing the starry sky and my first telescope observations pushed me to begin physics studies. During my second year of studies in physics at the Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne, I was able to meet astronaut Claude Nicollier. From his journey as a pilot to his first spacewalk to repair the mirror of the Hubble telescope, I was able to feel a taste of the excitement of being part of a space mission. This experience taught me a lot, it made me want to continue my studies in the field of space engineering at ISAE. This year, I have the chance to participate in this Martian Life Simulation mission as an Astronomer, I will have the opportunity to study solar activity and the deep sky using the three telescopes of the station in addition to the scientific experiments conducted daily with my crewmates.
Elena Lopez-Contreras - GreenHab Officer
Brace yourselves, Mars is coming! Émerveillé pendant des années par les technologies utilisées par les humains pour survivre dans des environnements extrêmes et faire avancer la technologie, j'ai décidé d'étudier l'ingénierie aéronautique et aérospatiale à Barcelone, en Espagne. Par la suite, j'ai décidé de compléter mes études par un Master à l'ISAE-SUPAERO, avec une spécialisation en Neuroergonomie. Pour moi, la mission vers MDRS représente une opportunité unique de tester de nouvelles technologies et de nouveaux protocoles, en tant que botaniste du groupe, qui permettront un jour aux humains d'atteindre Mars.
Valentine Bourgeois - Health and Satefy Officer
Originally from Brittany, the discovery of new horizons has always been my passion. Initially discovering the unknown of the Big Blue, I became passionate about space in high school thanks to Thomas Pesquet during his first flight to the ISS.
Now a student at ISAE Supaero, I am lucky enough to be able to quench my thirst for discovery thanks to the M.A.R.S club! The MDRS project is a challenge, an adventure that I share with six of my classmates, but also through our experiences with space actors, companies, doctors and even high school students. It is an incredible opportunity for all of us to live the dream of space and space exploration!